Number Line for Integers

Number Line for Integers

What is the Definition of a Number Line? 

A number line is a visual depiction of numbers such as fractions, integers, and whole numbers that is set out equally on a horizontal straight line. A number line may be used to compare and arrange numbers as well as execute addition and subtraction operations. 

On a number line, all sets of numbers are represented, including natural and whole numbers. A set of whole numbers is represented by the following: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), while a set of natural numbers is represented by the following: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 

A number line is made up of three fundamental components. In the centre, we often plot the origin with zero. 

Creating an integer number line 

The representation of integers on a number line is shown in detail here. Positive numbers are on the right side of the number line, whereas negative numbers are on the left. 

To begin, we draw a line and place a zero in the centre. 

On the right side of 0 are positive integers such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,... 

And to the left of zero, there are negative numbers such as -1, -2, -3, and -4. 

As a result, we have integers on the number line, as shown below. 

To add +4 to the number line, we must shift four points to the right of the zero. 

Similarly, we shift 7 points to the right of the zero to indicate +7 on the number line.

To add -3 to the number line, we shift the three point to the left of the zero. 

To indicate -7 on the number line, we shift the zero seven places to the left.

In the image, you can see that when 4 is shifted from 0 to the right, the integer is +4. On the same lines, when seven is shifted from 0 to the right, the integer is +7.

On the other hand, when three shifted to the left from zero, it becomes integer -3. Similarly, on shifting 7 to the left of the zero, it becomes integer -7.


Please note: 

You will have to understand that +3 and -3 are not the same in the number line. In fact, -3 lies on the opposite side on the number line to +3. Hence, they are termed opposites.

The same concept can be extended to other numbers. For example, -7 lies on the opposite side of +7.

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